The common brown snail, Cornu Aspersum, can cause extensive damage in orchards, especially citrus groves by feeding on ripe and ripening fruit, leaves of young trees, and in nurseries by feeding on young tree bark. Snails can cause serious problems in fruit orchards, where no-till weed control, sprinkler and low-volume irrigation create an ideal environment for snail development.
The key to effective snail control is regular monitoring. It is necessary to estimate how many and what snail species are present before and after applying control measures. Early identification of population growth is essential for control.
Continual monitoring of snails and isopods in fruit orchards even if numbers are low are essential, as numbers can increase rapidly over a short period of time. Snail & Slug Solutions provides a professional snail trapping and monitoring service. Providing analysis of snail populations, species and recommended snail baits including the right dosage per hectare.