Vegetables especially soft-leaved and leafy crops like beets, cabbage, Swiss chard, lettuce, spinach are at risk of attack from all common species of slugs, snails and isopods.Molluscs feed on every part of host plants and can consume entire small seedlings as well as tender stems. Isopods feed on organic matter, but at high densities they can damage new seedlings and ripe fruit such as melons, strawberries and the roots of pot plants.
Infestations from slugs seem to occur throughout the different growth stages of vegetable crops with high intensity feeding in the later growth stages of crops that can lead to direct feeding damage to mature vegetables. But even low levels of feeding damage can be very costly if it leads to the downgrading or rejection of the crop for its intended market.
Many vegetable crops have zero tolerance for slug contamination which may lead to crop disaster. It is therefore especially beneficial to vegetable growers to employ an effective, well managed snail and slug trapping and monitoring system as provided by Snail and Slug Solutions.